Asphalt Seal Coating Resources | Questions

Unsealed vs. Sealed

Asphalt Seal Coating Repair Striping | MI OH

What is Seal Coating?

Asphalt Seal coating involves sealing asphalt cracks to prevent ice and water from entering and disturbing the integrity of your driveway or parking lot. Over time, rain, oil, and other chemicals degrade asphalt, creating a brittle surface that is both unsafe and unattractive.

It is a defensive layer to protect your driveway from mother nature and other harmful elements. Sealant mixtures are bituminous- or acrylic-based liquids. The liquid base is mixed with water, silica sand, polymer additives, and other fillers to achieve a premium formula. When applied on a regular schedule, asphalt seal coating doubles the life of a driveway or parking lot.

Many homeowners prefer to maintain their asphalt with a pavement sealing plan. Rather than spending thousands of dollars to replace your driveway, you’ll save time and money when you apply an asphalt seal coating product.


How Often Should I Sealcoat my Driveway?

Seal coating frequency depends on two factors: climate and the condition of your pavement. Homeowners who live in environments that experience four seasons—including hot summers and cold, wet winters—need to seal coats more often than homeowners who live in dry, mild climates.

Generally, you should reseal your driveway or parking lot every two to three years. However, judge your driveway’s appearance with a critical eye. Is it gray and weathered? Are there small hairline cracks? If so, you may need to reseal or repair at least once a year or as required.


How Much Does Seal Coating Cost?

The cost of seal coating varies depending on the size of your driveway. When prepped correctly, asphalt seal coating can make your driveway look brand new for a fraction of the cost of asphalt paving and resurfacing. Regular sealcoating is also one of the best ways to extend the life of your driveway.

How Long Does Sealcoating Last?

An application of asphalt seal coating, which is typically two full coats, should last about three years if your asphalt pavement is in decent shape. Older asphalt driveways may require annual asphalt seal coating to maintain their protection and appearance and extend their service years.


How Long Should I Wait to Drive on my Seal Coated Driveway?

It would be best if you did not drive on a new asphalt seal coated driveway for 24 to 48 hours after application. Drying time varies depending on relative humidity, temperature, and sun exposure. Giving it more time to dry is better than needing a new seal coating sooner because you didn’t wait the appropriate amount of time before driving on it.


Advantages of Seal Coating Your Driveway or Parking Lot

Asphalt seal coating is an easy way to extend the life of your pavement, save money and boost your home’s curb appeal. Create a plan to seal coat your asphalt driveway or parking lot this season, and you’ll start seeing the benefits:

  • Long-term cost savings
  • Protection from oxidation, oil, and chemicals
  • Protection from ice, rain, frost, and snow
  • Beautiful, dark surface color and texture
  • Extended pavement life for years to come